The Hollywood Hill

Professionals Program
Monthly Membership
Annual Membership

Assistants Program
Monthly Membership

On the eve of the Presidential Election,
with so many fights for a better country and world to come...

Lawrence Bender, Mark Canton, John Emerson,
Victoria & Dennis Hopper, Arianna Huffington,
Mike Medavoy, and Larry Winokur

Invite you to experience a new organization
just getting started...


The Busting of the Internet Bubble, the War in Iraq,
the 2000 and 2004 elections. What do all these events
have in common? They have distracted us from all the
positive innovations that have been made over the past
decade and the new direction the world is truly going in.

Do you know we have a Hydrogen Car pilot program in
California to improve the environment? Do you know
solar technology is ready to be deployed to people's
homes and Governor Schwarzenegger is crafting a billion
dollar bill for it in Spring? Do you know San Francisco is
going to be the first major city to install free wireless
internet access for all its citizens? Do you know the film
industry is moving towards Simultaneous Global Releases
and in South Korea more people play MMORPGs than
watch TV?

Our country and the world are changing and in the next
century we will see unimaginable advances and convergences
in science, technology, politics, and entertainment. Education
will go through a transformation, genetic engineering will
recreate the healthcare industry, solar power, hydrogen
and zinc-battery cars and scientific engineering will give
us the tools to commercialize environmentalism.

So where are you going to be when all of this happens?
Do you want to read about it in the paper after it happens?
Or do you want to be a part of it, at the forefront of the
technologies and the policies that will change our world?
Join us.

Our new organization, The Hollywood Hill, will be doing
just that. As a member you will enjoy invitations to our
stimulating and exclusive events on topics ranging from
International Co-Productions and the new effects of
Simultaneous Global Releases to Hydrogen Cars and
Reinvesting in our Education System. You'll enjoy daily
access to The Hollywood Hill Website, an innovative
information center adapted to the needs of entertainment
industry professionals merging the worlds of entertainment
and politics.

The Price Of Membership: A Martini or two per month.

Sample Speakers will include:
Arnold Schwarzenegger on Solar Energy legislation
Robert Rubin on Saving Social Security
Jack Valenti on Copyright legislation
Ted Turner on Media Consolidation
and many many more...

Intiatives will include:
Passing the SB 199 Million Solar Homes Bill
Enforcing Gray Davis' AB 1493 Bill Requiring
 Car Manufacturers to Create 0-Emissions Cars
Promoting Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Technology
Universal Healthcare Mandates After SB2
Restructuring Financial Distribution In Our Education System
Increasing Incentives for Domestic Film Production
and many many more...

The Hollywood Hill is a 501(c)(6) Non-Profit
All Dues & Donations are Tax-Deductible
To The Extent Allowed By Law.

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