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About Us


What benefits does my membership include?
See Above

How do I become a member of The Hollywood Hill?
2 Simple Steps:
(1) Fill out the application indicating your place of employment and who referred you.
(2) Make the tax-deductible ($120/yr. for Assistants; $240/yr. for the Executive Program) annual contribution fee by filling out the membership application and including your credit card or check information.
(3) The review board will review your application and you will be notified via email within 48 hours of your acceptance or rejection.

I work in the Entertainment Industry, but I don't know any members of The Hollywood Hill, and therefore have been unable to secure a referral. How do I become a member?
If this is the case, please email [email protected] with a request for membership and it will be reviewed within 48 hours.

Does The Hollywood Hill accept donations?
The Hollywood Hill is a non-profit organization and is supported by generous contributions from members like you. All donations and in-kind contributions are tax-deductible. To find out how your financial assistance can help us achieve our goals, contact Ariel Hauter at [email protected] or (310) 656-0626.

I don't care about politics, why should I sign-up?
The Hollywood Hill offers its members resources, tools, and educational opportunities to assist them in advancing their careers. With that said, we recognize Hollywood's legacy of passionate, creative people affecting politics for positive change and it is our mission to continue this great legacy.

Are you a partisan organization?
No. The Hollywood Hill is a non-partisan, not-for-profit 501(c)(6) trade association.

Do you endorse specific candidates?
No. However, we do provide space for our members to voice their personal views.

I don't work in the entertainment industry, but I am still interested in becoming a member...can I join?
While we appreciate everyone's interest, our strength is in serving the needs of our professional community and therefore we are unable to accept members outside the entertainment fold. We do however have special memberships for qualified persons employed in the political and journalistic arenas. To find out if you qualify, please email [email protected]

How are you different from effectively focuses on uniting and mobilizing the country's citizens to address critical issues at the peak of their urgency. The Hollywood Hill complements this approach by focusing on providing its entertainment industry members with tailored resources, tools, and education for affecting important long-term issues.

I registered, but I forgot my username and/or password.
When you registered, we emailed you your Username. If you have lost the email that was sent to you, simply email [email protected] and it will be resent to you. If you have lost your Password, simply click on the Forgot your Password? link and it will be sent to you via email.

I'm a registered member, but I am not getting my Daily Intelligence Report every morning?
The Daily Intelligence Report is sent to the email address you used when you filled out your membership application. To change your email settings, log-in to the website and click on the My Account link at the bottom of any page.

I don't want to receive the Daily Intelligence Report, I'd rather visit the site every morning, how do I unsubscribe?
To change your Intel Report settings, log-in to the site and go to the My Account link at the bottom of any page. Then click on "Email Settings" and uncheck the box marked "Accept Email From Site Administrators."

How do I submit the following?
Job Postings
Listings (The List)
Referrals (The List)
Charter Jet Inquiries
Editorials (Opinionator)
Event Info (Today)
Assistant Info (The Assistant)
Softball Inquiries

Are there any parts of the website that are free to non-members?
The following website pages are available to non-members: About Us, Advisory Board, Strategic Council, Entertainment Softball League

How do I contact The Hollywood Hill?
If you have any further questions, suggestions, or comments, please email us at [email protected]