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Step 1:  Review Terms

1. You must fill out a separate online form for each type of posting. Each will be charged separately.

2. Your posting will run for 30 days on the website afterwhich it will expire. You must re-fill out the form if you wish it to run for the next 30 day period.

3. Each posting is $20. Payments are processed using Paypal. We do not store your credit card information and we do not maintain user accounts.

Step 2:  Download PDF on "Best Posting Practices"

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Presenting your project to the entertainment community at large is an exciting opportunity. Crafting a polished posting that most efficiently and effectively presents the details of your project and best answers the questions of the skilled professionals who will review it is a fine art. To help you, we've interviewed top professionals in all industries and assembled notes on what they're looking for.

This advice can be obtained in two areas: (1) Downloadable PDFs of forms and advice specific to each category. (2) Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section below.

We encourage you to download a PDF of the posting form to review the questions and develop your responses.

*going live in a few weeks

Step 3:  Fill-In Online Form + Submit

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What Should I Write For Financing?

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